
This is how you can get your doctoral certificate quickly and easily in 5 steps

Our goal is only achieved when you hold your doctoral certificate in your hands

We have been working successfully with our partner universities for seventeen years and therefore have extensive experience in this area. We accompany you through the Ph.D. until the entry in the identity card.

1. Free consultation

We offer you a free, non-binding consultation - in person or by telephone. This path of doctoral advice gives you clarity and offers both sides the opportunity to get to know each other.

We offer you a free, non-binding consultation – in person or by telephone. This path of doctoral advice gives you clarity and offers both sides the opportunity to get to know each other. Here we illuminate the doctoral process in detail and can respond individually to your questions and personal wishes. Depending on your degree (FH or university, or master’s degree), we can already give you the prospective university here, we will also discuss your desired topic. The possible time frame for the preparation of the dissertation is considered under the aspect of the workload as well as the total duration of the doctorate. Of course, we also go into the specific doctoral requirements of the various universities. In the case of a personal interview, it is helpful if you please bring your curriculum vitae in tabular form, copies of your diploma along with your certificate and suggested topics or any existing dissertation concepts.

2. Selection of the dissertation topic

The dissertation topic is at the beginning of the procedure. Our clients can define the topic themselves.

The dissertation topic is at the beginning of the procedure. Our clients can define the topic themselves. When choosing a topic, it is advisable to choose an area that is related to your profession or your specialist area so that you do not have to familiarize yourself with a new topic. All we need is a brief description of the dissertation topic. We will be happy to send you a template for this. This will help you to outline the topic and to have a meaningful conversation with the dean. We are happy to support you in finding a topic.

3. During the doctorate

All mandatory appointments are always accompanied by us personally. We take over the entire organization and administration of the procedure at the university for you.

All mandatory appointments are always accompanied by us personally. We take over the entire organization and administration of the procedure at the university for you. With our support and guidance, you can devote yourself exclusively to the preparation of your dissertation, we will take care of the rest.

The faculty is English-speaking. The procedure is carried out in English, but the faculty repeatedly points out that it is not important to them how high the level of language skills is. Most doctoral supervisors speak a little German. Since we supervise the procedure very closely, we often take over communication with the doctoral supervisor, which in this case also means that the discussion may be translated.

The doctoral supervisor treats you as an equal partner. He knows that you are doing the process as a part-time job and cannot research to the same depth as full-time students. He will support you positively in completing the work within your time frame and will give you feedback after two weeks at the latest if you email him parts of the dissertation.
We will help you to find a new doctoral supervisor, if the current one retires, is recalled or the relationship does not fit – without you having to work on a new topic.

4. Services and exams to be performed

The doctorate is achieved, among other things, through written work by means of a dissertation and publications

The doctorate is achieved through written work, among other things. Through the dissertation and publications. In addition, there are oral examination units, the defense of the dissertation and the rigorosum. Experience has shown that most candidates end the process after the statutory minimum period of three years. The entire dissertation should be 120-150 pages, incl. Do not exceed the table of contents and cover sheet. A total of 5 mandatory and 5 voluntary appointments are provided in the entire procedure. These will be discussed with you in the group in order to disrupt your everyday work as little as possible. As a rule, these fall on Fridays at 1:00 p.m.
After the thesis has been accepted, you will be invited to the Rigorosum (defense), in which the entire thesis will be asked orally. The exams only deal with your dissertation topic. By creating their own work and being close to their job, our candidates are more than ´fit´ in the subject.

5. Title leadership

The doctorate awarded to you will be admitted to public tours in Germany. We guarantee you that.

The title obtained, which in the abbreviated form as Ph.D. is assigned to the 3rd level of education according to the Bologna criteria, so that the title may be used as “Dr.” according to the KMK resolution (Kultus-ministerkonferenz) without reference to origin. The doctorate awarded to you will be admitted to public guided tours in every federal state in Germany, we guarantee you this.

Now take the first step towards a doctorate

We would be happy to send you further documents. In addition, we offer you a free advisory service to discuss and identify topics.

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